Sunday, October 25, 2009

New Jersey

Confession.  I'm obsessed with New Jersey, and intrigued enough to actually consider setting up shop there. Not the Turnpike, people. The green New Jersey. (Well, also the New Jersey that's close enough to New York so I can get my city fix.)

We contemplate where we'll "end up" often enough -- as if there's only one location! We like SF and LA, home for both of us, but other front-runners include: Brooklyn (Park Slope, love), North Carolina, upsate New York, Austin, and the surrounding DC-area. E says Boston, too, but that's some serious cold. 

These pictures make a very compelling case for New Jersey, don't they?  We just don't experience fall like this in California and I love every bit of it. 

(Photos by Nichole via litte brown pen)

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